Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's been a long time

More than a month since my last post... sad. First my mom was here and I thought it might be rude to spend a bunch of time on the computer, then one of the kids tripped over the cord while it was still plugged into the computer so now the computer has no power unless I sit there and hold the cord with one hand, (I love blogging but, not that much.) So, I just wanted you to know... in case you care... I have a call into a computer repair man. Until then... Happy summer. (Kind of a joke since it has been raining for weeks, but don't even get me started on that...)


Michelle said...

dude, finally! sorry about your cord-fix it and then blog more! How is the little "bump?" I'm back in the ER so I will look for you!! I miss you-

Beck Family said...

REALLY!!! Do you really think that you are going to get off that easy. Hold the cord, hold the cord! Have a good day!

Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Uh, YEAH IT HAS BEEN A LONG TIME! Dang Tana! It seems that this is the only way I get to hear how you are doing! CURSE YOU CRAZY BUSY LIFE!

OK, how about we go to Cowboys sometime REAL soon?! We totally need to!

Norris Fam said...

I was wondering where you were???