Monday, October 27, 2008

For all my sisters

If you are uncomfortable with public displays of affection you should stop reading right now. (That means you Shalece.) I just read an article ( I will try to figure out how to link it some time so you can all cry as hard as I have) and it made me want to thank my own sisters. Not just my two blood sisters, but the sisters of my heart. While I have never even come close to anything as horrible as what the Nielsen family is going through, my life has not been without it's own struggles. And always I have been blessed enough to have "sisters" come to my aid countless times; Help with my children, cook meals for my family and I, visit me in the hospital (and by visit I mean hang out for long periods of time when I may or may not have been coherant), stay with us to help me and the kids, take our horse of a dog for a few nights, drive me to the ER in the middle of the night, work my shifts at the hospital, even vacuum out heat vents (at the ridiculous request of my dear mother). I don't know what I have done to deserve all the love and service that my "sisters" have given me over the years but I guess that is the thing about sisters. You don't have to deserve it, to get it. I love you! T


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Tana, I have only heard of the trial you have gone through. I wish so much that I would have known you then and could have helped in anyway. You are one of THE SWEETEST people I have ever met!

I am still here to help whenever needed....FYI! :)

To get that article just click on the link on my blog. Then highlight the page address cut and then past it on your blog. You can then highlight it on your blog and type a word over the top. It will still show up as a link, but without all that gibberish!

Go to c Jane today. There is a link to a follow up article. It is awesome!

Ashley Jones said...

Hey Aunt Tana! It is so crazy that you are following the Neilson's story, I am too. I actually took care of her at one of my clinicals this semester!! I got to go to the Maricopa County Burn Unit, it was one of the most amazing experiences! She is such a strong person with a great family! Miss you guys, Love Ya!