Sunday, April 18, 2010

24 things I've learned since becoming a mother

1. Yelling is not sufficient motivation to flush the toilet after each use. Nor is identifying the perpetrator.

2.There are things/ questions only a dad can answer and do. That is good. It in no way threatens our usefulness as mothers.

3. I'm so glad when daddy comes home.
4. Nothing sucks the creativity out of children faster that television first thing in the morning.
5. It doesn't matter all that much if others think you are a good mom. The most important thing is what you think about yourself. This can be a blessing and a curse.
6. What your kids wear does not determine if you are a good mom or not. (See # 5)
7. Pick your battles... carefully.
8. Sometimes "I'll think about it." is a really good answer.
9. Sometimes "Sure" is an even better answer.
10. Worse case scenerios should be avoided.
11. It's ok to eat the chip that is laying on the counter but be prepared just in case all the salt has been licked off.
12. Life isn't fair. If it was fair we wouldn't have or need agency.
13. Outfits on babies are over rated, I'll take one piece jammies with feet any day. Simplify.
14. A shower is an important part of the success of any given day.
15. Shrieking is lame.
16. There can be a spot for everything i.e.: a "naughty" spot; a "happy" spot; a "reverent" spot; a "talk to me with a little more respect" spot... you get the picture.
17. Nothing is as sweet as when a child does something without being asked...
18. ...except maybe an "I love you" when nothing is wanted...
19....or playing with a sibling without coersion.
20. Sometimes we just need a bit more sleep.
21. Yelling will not get anyone out the door faster. (But it could start the day out real bad.)
22. Repeat after me, "It's going to be oookaaaaay."
23. Breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. Dinner is.
(And I'm not talkin' 'bout the food.)
24. I won't ever be the perfect parent. I will make mistakes. I can only hope that my kids will know that the mistakes I've made were mistakes made out of love, not neglect or hurt. Just love.


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

LOVE IT! Every last one! Especially the licked chip! Ha! Too funny!

Just Us said...

Mmmm, nothing better than a licked chip.
I love all 24 but totally agree with number 13 and yelling starting the day off bad.

Michelle said...

nice list darlin! miss you- doing a stent on the floor nights :( back mid-june to the ED

sariah said...

Your list was great! ha ha :-)

I hate when I eat or drink something that is about to be "wasted" and it turns out to be not what I expected. It happens enough that you'd think I would learn. Last week I thought that Heidi was about to "waste" her remaining grape koolaid sitting on the counter so I took it upon myself to finish it for her. It ended up being M&M water. She informed me she was presoaking her M&M's because they taste better that way. Ick!

Norris Fam said...

Loved that...I think I might print it and hang it on my bathroom mirror. How did you know I yell in the morning? And we even live on "Calm Morning Ave." how sad :) We should move...

Tracy said...

#6 is my Fav! You've gotta give 'em wings as well as room to fly! Great list!