Monday, May 24, 2010


Adult Onset Attention Deficit Disorder. That is my (self) diagnosis.

I fear my symptoms are getting worse. By. The. Day.

It appears to be a genetic disorder. My Mom suffers from a fierce case as well.

It seems to be exacerbated by multiple or long to do lists.

Example #1 It was after lunch and we were going to have some ice cream. Scraping the bottom of the carton I offer to get more from the freezer in the garage. On the way out I see a box from Costco, "I'll just put that in the recycling." I broke down the box and wrestled with it, trying to get it to fit in the bin.(Approximately 5 minutes later) I gave up and was kneeling in front of the freezer when Matt came out to see if some horrible accident had befallen me. Alas, no accident, just my faulty brain.

I could go on and on but... that would be focused and not at all what this post is about. Instead I want to share this funny poem I found in one of my organizing books;

One morning I woke and began resolutely
To work till my tasks were done absolutely
I decided I would not waste even a minute-
In the race against time, I determined to win it.

I started all right, first clearing the dishes,
Then saw it was time to clean the bowl for the fishes,
As I reached for the cleanser, I thought that I'd better
Grab soap flakes as well for washing a sweater.

As I went for the sweater, I saw that the bed
Needed straightening, so I stopped to do that instead.
Just then the phone rang, and while I was answering it,
I saw plants on the sill that needed watering a bit.

So went my day, and I worked till bone tired;
Then happy and proud, I sat back and admired.
But taking stock of my home, my joy was diminished;
Everything was started, but nothing was finished.

-Donette V. Ockey

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

10 things I love about Grace (in no particular order)

1. I love that when she decided she wanted a new American Girl Doll she earned half the money to pay for it by reading books (penny a page) and doing extra chores.

2. I love that after she was so diligent about cleaning her ears after she got them pierced and after all that there was still one point when she was willing to let them close up because she was having such a hard time switching earrings.

3. I love that even though she is afraid of things she still does them, often by herself, i.e. pulling out her own teeth, switching her own earrings (she kicked me out of the bathroom while she did it.)

4. I love that she reads (especially if she is saving up for something.)

5. I love how much she helps me with Riggins.

6. I love that she likes to wear cute clothes, cute shoes, and matching accessories.

7. I love that she can keep up with me shopping...

8. I love that she really listens to Matt so he can talk to her about the tough stuff.

9. I love that in the car the other day she asked me what the f- word was. When I was hesitant to answer she said, "Mom, I need you to tell me. At school I will hear it and I need to know. I might spell something bad while we are doing word chunks." So matter-of-fact. (That's gonna come in handy when Matt has the birds & bees talk with her.)

10. I love that even though she is often emotional and occasionally irrational, she wants to do the right things and I can try to appeal to her logical side. If that doesn't work I can just wait until the sun comes back around, as it always does.

Here is Grace with her American Girl doll she named, "Sallina." Sallina is pictured wearing an original "Grace design" made from paper towels and ribbon from my scrapbooking stash.

Friday, May 14, 2010

It's been a month since my last confession

I've always wanted to say that.

In so many ways a blog is like a confessional. Me the confessee and you, sitting on the other side of the curtain in anonymity listening (reading), making the occasional comment. It feels good to get all the things rattling around in my head out there.

So for today's confession; I have a favorite child.

I know, horrible, right?

What can I say...

He never complains if the other kids get something and he doesn't. He NEVER complains that he has nothing to wear. He has yet to utter the words "That's not fair." (Could there be three more annoying words in our vernacular?) (Could someone {Michelle?} confirm that I used that word correctly.)

He doesn't make us all late looking for a Boise State hat for 15 minutes when we should be walking out the door to school. Throwing a fit, when he left it in his dad's truck all along.

He doesn't whine to get his way or bring three changes of clothes, a blanket, a stuffed animal, a lunch box, a mini chalk board, two coats but NOT a single PAIR OF SHOES when we are going out to a restaurant for lunch.

He doesn't do any of those things.

He plays in his bouncy thing. Looks up and beams when you throw a smile his way. Only cries when he's hungry, tired, or wet. Stops crying immediately after being picked up, regardless who does the picking up. And then when you do pick him up his little chubby body is so cuddly and soft. And that is why I can say without reservation that he is my favorite child...

...for today anyway.

Next month's confession might be a whole different ball of wax.