Monday, November 17, 2008

Your battery has reached the end of its usable life

That is what pops up on our laptop computer every time it is turned on and that is pretty much how I feel every Monday afternoon at 4:00pm. Some of you (probably very few of you) may not know that Monday is my laundry day. I rarely stray from this routine, only for sickness, holidays, or the occasional visiting relative. I have weighed the pros and cons of doing all the laundry in one day vs. a few loads a day. (The cons being that I find stinky loads in my washer that I have to rewash, and loads in my dryer that I have to refluff and the pros being a few glorious hours when there is no laundry to be washed). This is what works for me...except at 4:00 on Monday afternoon when I am dragging and still have mountains of laundry that must be put away before Matt gets home. (My own self imposed deadline, officially ending laundry day.) Then I feel like the battery...that I have reached the end of my usable use recharging. Since this is not an option I crack open a Diet Cherry Pepsi, sit on the couch out of site of the laundry piles and get some much needed perspective (the caffeine doesn't hurt either). Next thing I know I am ready to go again. Happy Laundry Day!


Amy Lindstrom ~ said...

Could it be that you have not given into the evils of DIET COKE! UGH! POISON!

I LOVE Diet Pepsi! Diet CHERRY Pepsi...where did you find that?! I must have some! I haven't really looked, but I must I must!

Oh and I am with you sister. There is NOTHING worse than folding and putting away. It makes me feel worn out just thinking about it!

Norris Fam said...

My mother has done all of her laundry one Monday (EVERY MONDAY) for as long as I can remember...say about 30 yrs+. Even now without any kids at home I know exactly what she will be doing on Monday. Funny...I wonder what it is about Mondays!

ps- thanks for your nice comments, I needed some good words from a friend tonight. I'm feeling a little scared and alone and your comments made me feel better. thanks!

Just Us said...

I envy those that can make schedules for themselves and follow those schedules. Can you rub off on me a little?