Happiness is a choice.
This morning we were running late (again). This is something I battle on a daily basis. I know, "Be on time" it should be easy but so should...eating right, spending less money, & on and on. For some reason I hate this particular weakness, which, for the record, is genetic (on my mom's side.)
Today was no different; The kids ate salt & vinegar chips for breakfast. Grace's pigtails were crooked. McCade didn't get a comb through his hair. It was gloomy out. I was in my pink pajamas.
Normally this makes me cranky and I feel so ... inadequate. I yell, my heart feels heavy. I feel like I am never going to get it together.
But today, I'm okay with it. I'm okay with my shortcomings, my weaknesses, my strengths, my pajamas on the way to school. . .
Because today I choose happiness.
Don't worry...I'm always running late and I have half as many kids as you do. What's my problem? But I definitely choose happiness too!
Nice work Tana!
It's so good to hear my kids aren't the only ones who eat chips for breakfast.
So, so true. Even when everything is going "right" so to say, sometimes I can still be unsatisfied and cranky about something....it's all a choice. Right now I am desperately clinging to choosing happiness.
You can't possibly know how much I love you! You can't! It's simply WAY too much!
Your pep talk today inspired me to enjoy a day of a whole lot of nothing to do and nothing done, then take a shower and get a few things done so I can play tomorrow!
Yeah, I needed that a lot! My dear Tana! You are right, you and Jenn are the best "Pep-Talkers"! :)
See you tomorrow!
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